بيع محركات وقطع 00216.22250848

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Symptoms of a Damaged Engine Head Gasket Kelas Gasket or Cylinder Head Gasket damaged engine head gasket, also known as a cylinder head gasket, can cause a number of problems for your car. The head gasket is a seal that sits between the engine block and the cylinder head. It's responsible for keeping oil, coolant, and combustion gases separate. If the head gasket is damaged, these fluids can mix together, which can lead to a number of serious problems. Here are some of the most common symptoms of a damaged engine head gasket: Engine overheating Engine overheating www.progressive.com Engine overheating White smoke coming from the tailpipe صورة White smoke coming from the tailpipe www.acdautomotiveservices.co.za White smoke coming from the tailpipe Unexplained coolant loss صورة Unexplained coolant loss www.reddit.com Unexplained coolant loss Milky white coloration in the oil صورة Milky white coloration in the oil www.thedrive.com Milky white coloration in the oil Rough idle Rough idle repairpal.com Rough idle Loss of engine power Loss of engine power www.dubizzle.com Loss of engine power If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's important to take your car to a mechanic as soon as possible. A damaged head gasket can lead to serious engine damage, so it's important to get it fixed right away. It's important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other problems. However, if you're experiencing several of these symptoms together, it's a good indication that your head gasket may be damaged. أعراض تلف حشية رأس المحرك حشية كيلاس أو حشية رأس الأسطوانة يمكن أن تسبب حشية رأس المحرك التالفة، والمعروفة أيضًا باسم حشية رأس الأسطوانة، عددًا من المشاكل لسيارتك. حشية الرأس عبارة عن ختم يقع بين كتلة المحرك ورأس الأسطوانة. إنها مسؤولة عن فصل غازات الزيت وسائل التبريد والاحتراق. في حالة تلف حشية الرأس، يمكن أن تختلط هذه السوائل معًا، مما قد يؤدي إلى عدد من المشكلات الخطيرة.

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بيع محركات وقطع 00216.22250848