بيع محركات وقطع 00216.22250848

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آخر الأخبار

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حساس السرعة يركب على سيارات ستروين وبيجو - Capteur de vitesse les voitur...

Speed sensor in old cars ChatGPT The speed sensor in older cars refers to the device used to measure the speed of a vehicle. Early cars used mechanical speed sensors, which used a set of wires and gears to convert the rotational motion of the car's wheels into an electrical signal that could be read on the speedometer. Mechanical speed sensors are old-fashioned and require constant maintenance. They are also inaccurate compared to the electronic sensors used in modern cars. Electronic speed sensors measure the electrical signal produced when a wheel spins, and convert it into an accurate reading on the speedometer. It is important to keep the speed sensor in good condition, and to perform regular maintenance on it to ensure the accuracy of the readings and to maintain the safety of the vehicle.

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mecanique moktar tunsie

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بيع محركات وقطع 00216.22250848