بيع محركات وقطع 00216.22250848

شروحات مكانيك مختار

آخر الأخبار

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حساس مروحة المبرد المسؤول على تشغيل مروحة المحرك - Résistance ventilateu...

Motor radiator fan resistor A motor radiator fan resistor is an electrical component that regulates the speed of the radiator fan in a vehicle. The resistor is typically located near the fan motor and is connected in series with the fan motor and the power source. The purpose of the resistor is to reduce the voltage that reaches the fan motor, which in turn reduces the speed of the fan. This is necessary because the speed of the fan needs to be adjusted based on the temperature of the engine. If the engine is running hot, the fan needs to operate at a higher speed to cool the engine down. The resistor achieves this by providing a variable resistance in the circuit. As the resistance increases, less voltage reaches the fan motor, which causes the fan to slow down. Conversely, when the resistance decreases, more voltage reaches the fan motor, which causes the fan to speed up. In some cases, the resistor may fail, which can result in the fan operating at a single speed or not operating at all. If this happens, the resistor will need to be replaced to restore proper fan operation.

عن الكاتب

mecanique moktar tunsie


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بيع محركات وقطع 00216.22250848